Are you Prime Day optimised?

Prime Day is one of the most lucrative and successful selling days for businesses on Amazon. Each year, the two-day event seems to get bigger and bigger, drawing in huge crowds of online shoppers looking for a bargain. To miss out on Prime Day as a seller would be a seriously missed opportunity, so how can you become Prime Day optimised?

What is Prime Day?


Prime Day is an exclusive two-day savings event for Amazon Prime members. It’s usually hosted in the summer months but often Amazon love to keep us on our toes by not announcing the date until closer to the time. Adds a bit of excitement and anticipation I suppose…this year it’s predicted to be around July 11th and 12th. They also now do Autumn Prime events about 6 weeks before Black Friday.


Customers can get their hands on some great savings, with Lightning Deals, 7-Day Deals and bundles aplenty to choose from. People just love to make a saving, especially in today’s expensive climate. In 2022, customers bought over 300 million items with an estimated spend of more than $12 billion on in the summer Prime event. It spans across all categories, with the most popular often being electronics and household essentials.

The main thing to consider is there are over 200 million prime members. That’s an awful lot of potential customers! So what can you do to become Prime Day optimised?

How can I get Prime Day optimised?


1. Check inventory levels

If you’re an FBA seller, check your stock! Not just for your promoted items but all your stock. While Prime Day will see a lift in promoted items, there is a huge increase in impressions across the board, so be ready with all of your best selling items. Last year saw shoppers worldwide purchasing over 100,000 items per minute – they really don’t hold back if there’s a bargain to be had.


2. FBM Sellers

Be sure to keep on top of your operational metrics so you don’t run into buy box suppression’s. This includes important actions such as checking you have the correct stock levels for top selling SKUs, making sure you’re shipping on time and entering your tracking details. In order to track your account health shipping metrics, follow these links and change your marketplace country to review your performance: Amazon UK | Amazon USA | Amazon DE


3. Submit your products to VINE

The Amazon VINE programme allows businesses to submit their products to be sent out to trusted Amazon accredited reviewers to get honest reviews written on their listings. 9 times of 10 we find these reviews to be positive as the reviewers are often given the choice of products from categories they are more active in on Amazon. More reviews can help boost a product’s ranking in the search results. Products with a rating of 3.7 stars and above are 75% more likely to convert than if they have no reviews at all. If you have the budget, submit products into VINE that you want to receive traffic and increased conversions on during Prime.


4. Optimise keywords

Be sure to optimise keywords and search terms to help increase your organic traffic. Update them to relevant keywords and check that your listing has a clear title, 5 bullet points and descriptive product description.


5. Check mobile vs desktop

Check your mobile vs desktop impressions, particularly for your best selling products. Depending on which returns the best performance, you should optimise your listing images to best reflect the user experience. For example, on mobile, is the text on your infographics large enough for mobile users to clearly see? One handy thing to remember, listing images can show up twice on a mobile listing. This is especially useful if you don’t have any A+ content in place.


6. A+ and Enhanced Brand Content

A+ Content is a tool offered by Amazon that allows you to enhance your product description with additional media. You can use their existing templates to create a product description that looks more like a webpage. It can include headers, images, videos, infographics and more, making an ordinarily bland section more visually intriguing. It’s a great place to stuff more keywords and is of course favoured by Amazon in the search results. Probably most importantly, it can improve your sales by up to 5%. If you’re registered on the Amazon Brand Registry, you’ll have access to A+ Content.


7. Brand store

If you have an Amazon Brand Store, bring your top selling or Prime Day promotions to the home page. This makes it easier for shoppers to find your promotions.


8. Advertising Campaigns

2022 saw a 7% increase in conversion rate on CPC Amazon adverts. In order to maximise your best return, we advise you start building traffic up 7-14 days prior to Prime Day so that you can maximise the 7 day attribution window. This is especially useful if you’re participating in Sponsored Display. This will mean shoppers are retargeted and will see your promotions.


9. Startup Campaign

If you’re not to sure how to setup a full campaign structure, you can run a Sponsored Products ‘catch all’ campaign. This is a Sponsored Products auto campaign that should include all of your products in your catalogue. Simply set your bids to a very low CPC, something like £0.13/$0.15, set your top of search results to 150%-200% and your dynamic bidding to up/down. This will give you great visibility and conversions during Prime Day and will also harvest tremendous data (particularly keywords/search terms) to help optimise manual campaigns for better conversion. Alternatively, contact us to help setup your campaigns.


10. Video Advertising

This is by far one of the best converting tools in advertising right now. It’s especially useful for driving traffic to a brand store where there is currently little competition presence. Sponsored Brand videos are now showing up in the headline, middle and bottom of the search page, with video adverts consuming around 70% of phone screen space. A video only needs to be a maximum of 10-15 seconds in length. Keep it product and lifestyle led – show your customers exactly what they’re getting and how they can use it. Allow them to visualise themselves with the product. If you’re not sure what to put in your video, check out some of the search terms customers use to look for your product. That will often give you some ideas on what your product video should include to fulfil their needs.

With Prime Day attracting millions of searches you can be sure your competition will be participating in this event so don’t miss out, being Prime Day optimised is definitely an opportunity not to be missed.